Wednesday, March 12, 2014


As we allow the Spirit of God to "brood" over our lives in the solemnity of Lent; as He shows us our frailty and excess; as He burns away the dross and cuts away the decay of our lives we find that He then begins His best work. The Creation account of Genesis 1 portrays a unformed or preformed mass of material and the Spirit hovering above ready to call into order that which was not. Then we have the wondrous drama of the emerging of all that is. And we hear that God saw that it was "good." So as we eagerly watch for signs of Spring may we also watch for signs of the Spirit in our lives. Let's look for the fresh new leaves which are the evidence that Lent has worked in us and for us as preparation for the Holy Spirit. As we slowly walk around in our skin let's stop to notice where that growth is occurring and water it with the Word of God while we commune with the Spirit of God asking the good questions "what is God saying to me here?" and "what am I doing about it?"

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